Welcome to PURELUXESHOP- A luxury and designer resale business.

We specialise in buying and selling luxury items in new or nearly-new conditions. We have sold designer goods online on diffent designer resale sites, for several years. However, the commission percentages that these sites take are usually in the region of 20-30% meaning that items have to be listed at a much higher price just to make sure that these costs are covered. Ultimately this means that the buyer isn't getting the best possible price for the item which they are purchasing.

This is how the concept for our business came about... We decided to create a website ourselves and cut out all of the "middle- men" and extra costs. Doing so has enabled us to bring you the best in luxury and designer pre-owned items at the very best prices, whilst at the same time still providing you with the same excellent,  personalised service and authentication guarantee.

We tend to keep our stock selection fairly small, however our items are constantly updated as items do not tend to stay in stock for long! We also buy pre-owned designer goods and are happy to provide a quote on any items you have. Please contact us.

 All of the items on our website are held in NY Head Office and have already undergone the thorough authentication process by our Authentication Expert and ready to be shipped out as soon as the sale process is complete.

All of our items come with a 100% authenticity money-back guarantee and all items are sent via tracked and recorded delivery for your piece of mind.


Tel- 718-541-4529